Courses taught at St. Cloud State University
The courses I teach in the Dept. of Biology and Chemistry vary depending on the needs of our department and students, but I typically teach the following classes. Generally, I teach 5 - 6 classes in an academic year.
Main Courses
Careers in Ecology & Evolution (BIOL 222)
Zoology (with lab) (BIOL 308)
Herpetology (with lab) (BIOL 411/511)
Comparative Animal Behavior (BIOL 441/541)
Wildlife Populations (with lab) (BIOL 442/542)
Conservation and Management of Animals (with lab) (BIOL 461/561)
I've also taught several other classes at SCSU, including:
Current Issues in Biology (BIOL 620) (Topic: Urban Ecology & Evolution)
The Living World (BIOL 102)
Special Topics in Biology (BIOL 610). Topics have included:
Genomics: A toolkit​
Communicating Science

Photo note: Students in Herpetology examining tadpole anatomy under digital microscopes. Photo by: J.Y. Lamb.

Photo note: Jen demonstrating how to measure an American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus) with callipers. Photo by John Solberg (former BIOL 411 student).

Photo note: In classes where I take students into the field we discuss and practice keeping a field notebook. This is part of an entry from Kendahl Chergosky's field notebook (used with permission).